Month: January 2007

  • Thanks, but….

    Several of you have written very compassionate emails regarding my virus situation, and have included the advice to buy a Mac next time.

    I do appreciate the nearly virus-free world in which Macs operate.  But I have to admit that with all it’s flaws, Windows is still my OS of choice.  I know it’s not for everyone, but I personally take great pleasure in using an OS which is so ultimately user configurable.  I enjoy editing registry files.  I enjoy seeing the intricate mechanics of how the OS is operating and being able to tweak it.  Of course I am well aware that these very options expose Windows to attackers. 

    My computer is now virus free. :)

  • Happy Republic Day (India)

    I had a nice long post written earlier but lost it.  Grrr…. Then my computer got a virus from a memory stick I copied pictures from.  Grrrr….  It’s a pretty devastating virus too.  Don’t know if I can do anything more with it before I head home.  What good is antivirus software that just tells you that you have a virus after the files are copied and registry edited?  Wow.  This one actually disables the registry editor, and immediately shuts down the computer if it sees a window open it doesn’t like (such as one that might be able to deal with the infection). 

    At least I had uploaded some pictures.  I’ll post here if I can get this chincy keyboard to work in the hotel business center.

    BTW.  Happy New Year!! It’s been longer since I updated than I realized.

    After a wonderful Christmas at Jon, Jills, and Andy’s I headed to Baltimore for the 2006 General Youth Conference.  It was a wonderful feast of biblical preaching, deep study, worshipful music, and Christian fellowship.  If you missed out you should do yourself a favor and navigate over to where you’ll find resources free for the downloading.

    Since then I’ve been mostly at home, working on building a new staff home, other construction projects, and various occupations dealing with ASI business.  One of the exciting projects currently underway is a joint operation between ASI and the GC to help fulfill the Tell the World initiative’s ambition to see five million lay people each win at least one person in this quinquinium.  ASI is preparing its members to train lay people in every Union to use the New Beginnings in homes.  I spent a few sleepless nights and even some days pulling together an 80+ page manual for this project. 

    While in Florida during our pilot training program Pastor Mark Finley and I were discussing the upcoming Senior trip to India.  It will be a different project than any previous Ouachita Hills mission trip.  In response to the request of Elder Mike Ryan, GC Vice President for Global Mission, this year we’re undertaking to develop a church member nurturing program in areas of the world field where the church is growing extremely rapidly.

    Pastor Finley suggested that I should join him this week in Chennai to assist in the training course he’s holding.  Pastors and church administrators from all over India are here, which enables me to lay plans without having to travel all over myself.  Reasonable tickets were found, I received a visa, and within a little more than a week I found myself here in Chennai.

    OK, I know.  You want the pictures.



    Pastors attending the morning training seminar held by Mark and Ernestine Finley. I also taught on Friday morning.



    Pathfinders marching into the Adventist School grounds to begin the Republic Day celebrations.  India gained its independence 58 years ago.


    Pastor Finley teaching the pastors.



    Statue of the founder of the campus where the evening meetings are being held.  He’s supposedly the great philosopher of Asia.



    His great accomplishments in philosophy.  Funny thing is, 4000 people are passing by this monument each day.  Into our meetings.


    Pastor Finley preaching.


    The audience.  An additional 500 or so are watching by CCTV downstairs.


    I don’t have many pictures of me, for obvious reasons, but Mrs. Finley took this one before the meeting and I got it from her.

    Pray for me, and the rest of this trip.  And for my computer (and my sanity without it).

    Miss you!